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Actions that can cause a trigger


Creating Triggers

Inline Triggers

Inline triggers are simple to create. They come in two major forms:
  1. A single command send to the machine that invokes the trigger
  2.   !create trigger mytr for join use !do $sys:rdate[hivehome]

    Here, the command !do $sys:rdate[hivehome] is sent to the machine that joins the current channel.

  3. A ruby block getting invoked in response to a triggered event
  4.   !create trigger mytr for join use {|machine,args|tell(machine,'welcome') if machine !/^_/}
    Here, the ruby block gets executed with args machine,args.

Persistant Triggers

Persistant triggers are those that are included directly in triggers.rb. An example below
trigger :mytrig do |channel, machine, action, args|
    case action
    when /join/
        say '!do $system:version', machine do |reply|
            reply "got reply #{reply}"
            reply "channel:#{channel} machine:#{machine} action:#{action} args:#{args}"
     when /part/
        reply "#{machine} leaving #{channel}"
        reply "channel:#{channel} machine:#{machine} action:#{action} args:#{args}"

This is made use of below.
  !create trigger mytr for join use mytrig

These triggers are also allowed to take an argument which will be available in @initargs inside the MyTrigger.
trigger :myargtrig do |channel, machine, action, args|
    @me.reply "Created with args #{@initargs}"

  !create trigger mytr for join use myargtrig(Created with this arg)

Using Triggers


General example:
  !create trigger dummyt on #hive for join use dummytrig

Do it on default channel (no channel specified)
  !create trigger dummyt for join use dummytrig

Do it with args
  !create trigger dummyt for join use dummytrig(myargs)

Use Inline
  !create trigger mytr for join use !do $sys:rdate[hivehome]

Use Inline second version
  !create trigger newtrig on #hive for part use {|machine,args| @me.send_message machine, '!do $sys:rdate[webproxy]'}


  !drop trigger dummytrig on #hive

On current channel.
  !drop trigger dummytrig


List all triggers on channel
  !triggers on #hive

Assume channel

Triggers for action 'join'
  !triggers on #hive for join

Triggers that use a particular procedure
  !triggers on #hive using dummytrig

Triggers that use a particular procedure and for a particular action
  !triggers on #hive for join using dummytrig