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i me my
are all aliases to 'i'

actions: join part say tell restart seq session tag map group nick os traits

join:  joins the specified channel

   !do $me:join[#channel1,#channel2]
   ->Joins the specified channels

part:  parts channel.
   !do $me:part[#channel1,#channel2]
   ->parts the specified channels

    !do $me:part
   ->parts the current channel

say:  sends something to specified channels or machines
    !do $i:say[I have a message:#newchan]

tell:  sends something to specified channels or machines
    !do $i:tell[#newchan:I have a message]
    ->outputs 'I have a message' in #newchan

restart:  restarts the hiveclient.
    !do $me:restart

seq:  uses a given xxx.seq file as if the commands in that file is typed in.
    !do $me:seq[myact]

this loads the sequence file called myact.seq and executes it. Below is the syntax of the seq files.
    |cat myact.seq
puts 'using do in default channel'
!do hello
!do $my:session[:channel]
puts 'using do in #newchannel channel'
[:channel => '#newchannel'
!do $me:session[channel]
puts 'using do in #new channel as user me'
[:channel => '#new',:user => 'me'
!do Hi $me:session[channel] $me:session[user]

session:  displays the session variables.
   !do $my:session[os]
shows the operating system.

tag:  allows a tag to be made to the current system to identify it later.
   !do $me:tag[uniq]
   !do $my:tag

group:  like tag, but allows a set of values to be added.

   !do $my:group[+uniq]
adds to the group

   !do $my:group[-uniq]
removes from the group

   !do $my:group[?uniq]
returns true if the group contains uniq.

map:  like tag, but functions like a map.

   !do $my:map[addr:abc1234]
adds the key addr to the map with the specified value.

   !do $my:map[addr]
retrives the value of the key addr.

   !do $my:map
returns all the keys stored.

nick | host | name:  returns the name of the machine
   !do $my:name
   !do $my:nick
   !do $my:host

os:  returns the operating system of the machine.
   !do $my:os

traits:  returns the loaded traits.
   !do $my:map